Deafblind UK - Supporting People with Sight and Hearing Loss

Did you know that there are 11,000 people in Northern Ireland who identify themselves as deafblind? …  Deafblind UK supports people who have any level of combined sight and hearing loss (as well as those around them) to live with their condition and to build their confidence and independence.  They offer understanding, advice, practical help, residential support, care and social opportunities.  This includes: a friendly helpline to answer questions and offer support; help with technology, so that everyone can stay connected; opportunities to socialise and make new friends; seaside holidays, so that participants can relax and unwind; wellbeing and emotional support for difficult times; care and support at home if needed.  To learn more, visit:   You can also contact Deafblind UK via their free Helpline: 0800 132 320  |  Text: 07903 572885  |  Email:  | Text Relay: 18001 then 0800 132320   |  BSL Video Relay: