Northern Ireland Men's Health Report Card

To mark its twenty-first birthday in 2020, the Men's Health Forum in Ireland (MHFI) undertook a research project titled ‘Men’s Health in Numbers’.  Funded by the Health Service Executive’s Health and Wellbeing Division, this sought to produce:

  1. A comprehensive Trends Report that describes, in detail, changes in significant markers of men’s health on the island of Ireland in the last twenty years.
  2. An infographically-driven Men’s Health Report Card that provides a lay person’s synopsis of contemporary key men’s health statistics in the Republic of Ireland.

These were officially launched at a webinar in December 2020

In early 2021 - with financial support from the Carers Support Service in the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust - MHFI began work on producing a Northern Ireland version of the Report Card.  This will be officially launched at a webinar during Men's Health Week 2021.

Electronic copies of the Report Card can be downloaded by clicking here.  For hard copies, contact Belfast Men's Health Group at: