Men’s Health Week 2021 Posters

To promote Men's Health Week (MHW) 2021, a bespoke poster has been designed.  The 'faces' of MHW this year are Paul, Dee, Clara and Cristian.  

Posters are available as both A3 and A4 hard copies, and as online electronic files (in a range of sizes and formats suitable for a variety of uses).  To order hard copies of the poster, use the online form, and tell us:

  1. How many copies you would like.
  2. Which size (or sizes) that you'd like.
  3. The name of the person to send them to.
  4. The full postal address (including a Postcode / Eircode) for delivery.

Copies of the online electronic resources can be downloaded from:

Even people who don't have time to do anything else for MHW 2021 are encouraged to put up a poster - in public view - to let everyone know when it is taking place.  Although this costs little to do, it will make a big difference to promoting the week!