Men’s Health Week 2021 Postcards

Every year since 2014, there has been a Men's Health Week (MHW) postcard to publicise the week.  Traditionally, these cards can be displayed as small flyers in public spaces, and are often sent by organisations to the men that they have contact with.  This has proved to be a very successful means of letting local men know about the week.  Some groups have also used them as pledge cards i.e. men can write on the card how they are going to 'make the connections' and 'check in, check up and check it out' to improve their health.  Later on, they can keep this beside their desk, on their work bench, attached to their dashboard etc. to remind them of what they want and hope to do.    
This year, the postcards are available in both hard copy and as online electronic files.  To order hard copies of the postcard, use the online form, and tell us:

  1. How many copies you would like.
  2. The name of the person to send them to.
  3. The full postal address (including a Postcode / Eircode) for delivery.

For electronic download, click here.