Men’s Rites of Passage 2021

Nowadays, the question of what it means to be a man can be perplexing.  Most men have a longing for the support and guidance of other men in their journey towards masculinity, maturity, and a deeper experience with the divine.  Living a shallow unexamined life is an empty experience.  Opening the door to this journey can start with Men’s Rites of Passage (MROP) - a five-day deeply spiritual experience that builds on the classic patterns of male initiation through profound rituals and teachings.  It is the kind of experience that can help awaken men to the adventure and mystery of their own masculinity, their potential for leadership, and their life’s purpose.  Join with other men on this journey in Kiltegan, Co. Wicklow, from 18th - 22nd August 2021.  For more information, visit:  or call 087 176 3729.