Recording of 'Spring Forward' Webinar

Every year, the Southern Area Men's Health Group in Northern Ireland runs a event to highlight an issue which impacts upon the well-being of local men and boys.  Due to COVID restrictions in early 2021, this was impossible.  Therefore, they decided to go online instead, and hold a webinar.

This free and upbeat event was held on Wednesday 31st March 2021, and focused upon men 'springing forward' after a long year marked by all things COVID.  Participants were treated to a fantastic morning, including: how Armagh Men’s Shed has weathered the COVID pandemic; an overview of the 'Jumpers for Goalposts' initiative - the inspiring story of how men in local communities used an informal kickabout to connect with each other; a COVID-19 Q&A session with Professor Luke O'Neill from the School of Biochemistry and Immunology in Trinity College Dublin; having a laugh [because we all know this is good for your mental health] with professional comedian, Andrew Ryan.

This webinar (except the comedy set by Andrew Ryan) can be viewed below or, to see it on a full screen, visit: