Men’s Health Week 2021 - Get the Date into your New Diary!

The current joke doing the rounds is that anyone who bought a 2020 diary was mis-sold it, and should, therefore, be able to claim compensation (as COVID-19 kicked everyone’s meeting plans out of the ball park).  However, despite this, Men’s Health Week 2020 was still one of the biggest and best ever held in Ireland!

But, believe it or not, it’s that time again.  Yes, it’s time to get the most important date of the year into your new 2021 diary …  International Men's Health Week (MHW) always begins on the Monday before Father's Day and ends on Father's Day itself.  This coming year, it will run from Monday 14th until Sunday 20st June 2021.

Every year, the Men’s Health Forum in Ireland (MHFI) convenes an all-island Planning Group for MHW.  Would you be interested in joining with others from across the island of Ireland to help to shape MHW 2021? …  This can be done in many ways - from participating in meetings to electronic communication.  All input is very welcome, and helps to make the week stronger and more relevant.

The first meeting of the Planning Group will take place on Friday 8th January via a ‘Zoom’ video call.  But even if you can’t make this meeting, your feedback on developments via email / phone would still be very helpful.  If you would be interested in being part of the planning process for 2021 (in any way), contact us. 
However, even if this is not possible, why not put the dates of MHW 2021 into your new diary, and start thinking about how your group / workplace / church / community / sports club ...  could do something to mark this week?  It’s never too early to start planning.