Men’s Health Week 2020 Posters

To promote #MensHealthWeek (MHW) 2020, a bespoke poster has been designed.  The 'face' of MHW this year is a father and son - Chris and Ethan Smylie - from Belfast.  Anyone who has ever learned to ride a bike will appreciate that it's all about GETTING THE BALANCE right.  However, to get the confidence to do this, you need the support and assistance of people around you that you can trust and rely on.  Chris and Ethan really capture this relationship in their photograph!

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic - and the limited opportunities to place posters in public places this year - the posters are only available as online electronic files (in a range of sizes and formats suitable for a variety of uses).  Copies of these online electronic resources can be downloaded from:

Even people who don't have time to do anything else for MHW 2020 are encouraged to print off and put up a poster (in their workplace, home window or elsewhere) to let everyone know when it is taking place.  Although this costs little to do, it could make a big difference to promoting the week!