Ready-Made Posts and Tweets for MHW 2020

Men’s health issues and needs are numerous and complicated.  So much so, that we could probably assign a different one to highlight on each day of the year and still have an outstanding pool of ones to explore!  However, when preparing for Men’s Health Week (MHW) 2020, the all-island Planning Group felt that it would be useful to draw attention to a specific theme on each day during the week, as well as on the days leading up to it.  These are ...

  • Friday 12th June:  It’s Almost Time - Men’s Health Week: Restoring the Balance
  • Saturday 13th June:  Staying Connected During and After Loss - maintains our sense of balance
  • Sunday 14th June:  Food - it’s easy to strike a balance
  • Monday 15th June:  Mental Fitness - it’s always a balancing act
  • Tuesday 16th June:  Heart Health - have you got the balance right?
  • Wednesday 17th June:  Cancer Prevention - is about creating balance
  • Thursday 18th June:  Quit Smoking - restore the body’s balance
  • Friday 19th June:  Rethink what you Drink - get the balance right
  • Saturday 20th June:  Physical Activity - restores your overall balance
  • Sunday 21st June:  Fathers - help their children to become balanced adults

Social media (especially Facebook and Twitter) has become a powerful tool for organisations to spread their message.  During Men’s Health Week 2020, everyone is encouraged to ‘Post’ and ‘Tweet’ about it and, when possible, to use the hashtags: #MensHealthWeek and #RestoringTheBalance

For those people who would like to support MHW 2020 using their own social media channels - but who don't have the time, energy or knowledge to develop their own messages - there is a document which offers a range of Posts and Tweets that you can simply cut-and-paste from.  There are lots of message options presented for each day of MHW, and these relate to the theme for that day.  Everyone is invited to use them all, or simply pick and choose the ones that suit themselves / their organisation / their location.  You can download these suggestions at:

Even loading a few things to websites / Facebook pages / Twitter feeds / Instagram / other social media platforms will make a huge difference to publicising the week.  This is, therefore, a really easy and free way to show support for MHW.