- the New GP Service for Men is a new online GP service just for men.  It is the first of its kind in Ireland focusing solely on men’s health matters.  The aim of the service is to eliminate that first and highest hurdle of getting men to the doctor, by bringing the doctor to them.  Founder, Dr Gavin Keane, came up with the idea after the COVID-19 pandemic completely changed how GPs were working: ‘No one was coming in.  The vast majority of our work was suddenly being done on the phone and then on video.  It struck me just how much of our routine work can be done safely and done well online.  That realisation, combined with my experience of men being reluctant to come into the clinic in person, led to the idea to start an online GP service for men.  The COVID pandemic has presented the opportunity to create this service and, hopefully, reach a lot more men that don’t, won’t, or can’t attend a GP’.  Visit to find out more.