Invitation to Tender: Men’s Health in Numbers

The Men’s Health Forum in Ireland was established in response to the growing recognition of the need to address the poor health status of males on the island of Ireland.  However, one of the first challenges facing MHFI was to gain access to reliable data upon which to plan future interventions.  This remains an ongoing concern.

This barrier was, initially, overcome when MHFI launched its ‘Men’s Health in Ireland’ report in January 2004.  This document provided the most comprehensive overview of key statistics on local men's health ever collated up to that time.  It offered clear evidence of men's health needs, and a roadmap for action.  Importantly, it also provided a baseline against which to measure progress in the future.  However, since 2004, there has been no further large scale attempt to statistically map what (if anything) has changed in the realm of men’s health in Ireland.

In 2020, MHFI will be twenty-one years old.  It is, therefore, important for the Forum to reflect upon how the health of men and boys has progressed during this period.  To achieve this, MHFI will be issuing an ‘Invitation to Tender’ in the New Year - to commission (mostly) statistical research which identifies changes in men’s health in Ireland since 2004, and provides a detailed snapshot of men’s health currently.  If you would like to receive this Invitation to Tender when it becomes available, please email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.