
Staying Fit for Farming Booklet

Men's Health Week each year encourages everyone to reflect on their health and wellbeing.  Men, who are farmers, often overlook the most important element to good farming - themselves.  The 'Staying Fit for Farming' booklet is about looking after yourself.  It looks at different situations and illnesses, and sets out how you can spot problems early.  In this booklet, some farmers tell their stories - not to make you worry, but to make you act.  To view a Portable Document Format (PDF) version of the booklet, visit:

What's Happening in Ireland During Men's Health Week 2016?

Every year there are many events and actvities held across the island of Ireland to mark Men's Health Week (MHW).  The Men's Health Forum in Ireland (MHFI) always seeks to promote the details of activities or events that are being held throughout the week on this website.  It is hoped that this will help everyone to find out what is happening, where it will be taking place, and how to join in.  It also gives some recognition and publicity to all those groups across the island that are doing something for and with men.  There are three ways to let us know about what is happening: online registration form, email form, snail mail form.  Find out about some of the events being held to mark Men’s Health Week 2016 (#MHW2016) in Ireland by visiting:

Ministers for Health Start Countdown to Men's Health Week in Ireland

We’re nearly there.  The clock is ticking.  It won’t be long now until International Men's Health Week (MHW).  This year, it will run from Monday 13th until Sunday 19th June 2016.  The theme in Ireland will focus upon ‘Men United - for Health and Wellbeing’, and the key question is: ‘are we winning?’  If the answer is ‘no’, then it’s time to join with other people to do something positive and practical about it!  Find out more about the week and how you can support it / get involved, at:

To kickstart the final countdown to MHW in Ireland, Ministers for Health Michelle O'Neill (NI) and Simon Harris (RoI), invited members of the MHW 2016 all-island Planning Group to Stormont in Belfast and Government Buildings in Dublin.  Both Ministers welcomed the celebration of MHW in Ireland, praised the practical support that their respective health services had offered, and wished everyone well with the roll-out of the week.

Minister for Health Michelle O'Neill with members of the MHW 2016 Planning Group














  Minister for Health Simon Harris with members of the MHW 2016 Planning Group

Combatting Loneliness in Older Age

The ARK Ageing Programme and U3A Foyle invite you to an ‘Age Encounters’ event, which explores loneliness in older age from different perspectives.  Robert Hagan (Ulster University) will focus on theoretical views of loneliness and how these relate to the life course and ageing; U3A members will discuss their personal experiences of combatting loneliness; community transport coordinators will highlight the role of community transport in enabling people to participate in activities.  The event will be held in U3A Foyle, Pascal McDonald House, Gransha Park, Derry/Londonderry BT476 6TG on Wednesday 1st June, from 11.00am to 1.00pm.  Coffee / registration begins at 10.30am, and a light lunch is available from 1.00pm.  The event is free, but places must be booked in advance by contacting Caroline, at Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Tel: 02890 973222.  Age Encounters is a network of researchers, academics and practitioners with an interest in age in Northern Ireland.  Each Age Encounters event highlights research and practice on a specific theme, with time for participants to chat over coffee.  See