
Physical Activity and Older Adults: What Works?

The Institute of Public Health in Ireland, in partnership with the All-Ireland Physical Activity and Ageing Group, invite you to their upcoming event titled ‘Physical Activity and Older Adults: What Works? - The Role of Health Professionals’.  This event will take place on Tuesday 22nd October 2019, in Chartered Accountants House, 47/49 Pearse Street, Dublin.  The keynote speaker will be Shane O'Mara, Professor of Experimental Brain Research in Trinity College Dublin, and author of the book 'In Praise of Walking'.  Places are limited.  To register, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mental Health Congress 2019

#123GP and PPR invite you to a Mental Health Congress on Thursday 10th October 2019, from 11.00am - 4.00pm, in the Spectrum Centre, Shankill Road, Belfast, BT13 3AB.  There is an escalating mental health crisis in Northern Ireland.  Yet, at 5.2% of the health budget, funding for mental health in NI lags far behind that of other UK jurisdictions, and is below the global average.  This event will bring together people directly affected by this crisis, activists, concerned practitioners, service providers, academics and others to discuss these issues with the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health.  For more information, visit:

Is This OK?

'Is This OK?’ is a partnership between Childline and Runaway Helpline, and is funded by Children in Need to offer young people an easy way to access specialist support and advice.  There are times in life when a situation or event feels difficult or uncomfortable and you might find yourself asking ‘Is This OK?’  Through the website, young people can access a team of experts who will talk through the issue and signpost them to appropriate sources of support.  For more information, visit:

Connecting with Young Men Workshop in Dun Laoghaire

You are invited to apply for a place on a 'Connecting with Young Men' workshop.  This free event will take place on 23rd September 2019, from 9.30am to 4.30pm, in Dun Laoghaire.  The aim of this workshop is to assist a broad range of practitioners to effectively connect with young men on mental health and wellbeing issues.  It focuses on the engagement process i.e. WHY and HOW to build relationships with young men.  It seeks to: demonstrate why we need to work with young men as a specific group; help participants to reflect on their own value base, experience, attitudes towards, and expectations of young men; explore the world of young men, the issues that they face and opportunities that exist to engage with them; consider the practicalities of ‘what works’; increase the confidence of participants in relation to working with young men.  To apply for a place on this workshop, or for further information, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Men in the Middle: Training for Trainers

In March 2018, a landmark report titled ‘Middle-Aged Men and Suicide in Ireland’ ( was launched.  This was commissioned / coordinated by the Men’s Health Forum in Ireland, funded by the National Office for Suicide Prevention, and researched by the National Centre for Men’s Health in the Institute of Technology in Carlow.  The aim of this qualitative study was to explore the factors underpinning the high suicide rate among middle-aged men (40-59 years old) in the Republic of Ireland, with a view to providing more effective and gender specific programmes, services, and resources that can support their mental health and wellbeing.

The report highlighted that: over the past ten years, the suicide rate among middle-aged men in the Republic of Ireland has been the highest of all age cohorts; suicide and suicidal behaviour is more prevalent among certain ‘at risk’ groups’; a range of mid-life transitions are associated with challenges for these men; reaching a crisis point is the most common trigger to seeking help for many men; there is a diverse range of barriers and enablers which influence the dynamics of engaging with middle-aged men in relation to their mental health.

To meet the need from practitioners to develop meaningful relationships with this target group, the Engage National Men’s Health Training Programme has now developed a new workshop called ‘Men in the Middle’.  Applications are being sought from experienced facilitators to participate in a Training for Trainers programme to upskill them to deliver this workshop across the Republic of Ireland.  More details can be found at:

Webinar: WHO Europe Men's Health Strategy

Global Action on Men's Health (GAMH) is hosting a webinar for NGOs and men's health advocates working in Europe to discuss how they can use the WHO Europe Men's Health Strategy as an advocacy tool.  This webinar will take place on Friday 20th September 2019 at 9.30am Ireland / 10.30am CET.  The speakers include: Isabel Yordi Aguirre (WHO Europe) who will introduce the men's health strategy; Alan White, Emeritus Professor of Men's Health, Leeds Beckett University, UK; Dr Noel Richardson, Director of the National Centre for Men's Health, Ireland; and Dr Svend Aage Madsen, President of the Men's Health Society in Denmark.  For more details, visit:

Jumpers for Goalposts

Congratulations to Keith Kelly and all the lads in Ballybrack in Dublin for helping to create the newest health craze for men in Ireland - 'Jumpers for Goalposts'.  It's great to think how such a small and simple idea can bring together so many men to enjoy each other's company, have a bit of craic, and improve their mental (and physical) health!  Are you intrigued yet? …  If so, find out more by checking out some of their videos ( or visiting their new website at:

Men’s Health Symposium at NUIG

On International Men’s Day, Tuesday 19th November 2019, the School of Nursing and Midwifery, National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG), in partnership with the Centre for Nursing and Midwifery Education, Galway, are hosting the first ever Men’s Health Symposium at NUIG.  This free to attend event for health and allied professionals aims to highlight current issues that affect men’s health across their lifespan.  The event particularly focuses on the influence masculinity has on men’s health, building resilience and promoting positive mental health and wellbeing.  This day-long symposium will include experts, practitioners, researchers in men’s health, and several high-profile men’s health advocates.  Registration will open on Friday 20th September 2019.  Be sure to save the date!  Address all enquiries to the Symposium Chairperson, Dr. Bróna Mooney, at Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.