
Keep Up-To-Date with MHW 2021

To keep everyone up-to-date with the latest news on Men’s Health Week (MHW) 2021 - as well as more general developments in the field of men’s work - check out Facebook ( and Twitter (

However, as all social networkers know, pages such as these are no use unless they have a lot of Fans / Followers.  That’s where your help is needed! ...  Please visit the pages, click on the ‘LIKE’ button for Facebook and ‘FOLLOW’ button for Twitter, and send the link to all your friends.  If you’re really into it, please Tweet about MHW 2021 yourself, and include the hashtags #MensHealthWeek and #CheckItOut in your messages.

Men's Health across the Lifespan

The International Journal of Men's Social and Community Health is, currently, calling for papers for a special issue on men's health across the lifespan.  This will cover a wide range of topics including: the health concerns of younger and teenage males; the interface between age and health literacy issues; mental health and wellbeing; age-related health issues for marginalised men and boys; age and public health concerns for men and boys; sexual and romantic relationships; fatherhood; age and chronic disease experiences; and health issues pertinent to older men.  A wide range of empirical (qualitative, quantitative, and structured reviews) and theoretical / conceptual papers on men’s health will be considered for publication in this special issue.  Find out more at:

Midlands Health and Wellbeing Podcasts

A series of health and wellbeing podcasts have been produced for counties Offaly, Laois, Westmeath and Longford.  These podcasts capture a wide range of diverse and interesting conversations with a range of professional staff working across the statutory, community and voluntary sectors in the Midlands.  They give fascinating insights into the experience and knowledge gained by these staff.  Topics include Men’s Health, Building Resilience, Domestic Violence, Parenting, Positive Ageing, Living with Loss, and Youth Mental Health.  Access them at:  |  |  |

Public Understanding of Coercive Control

This webinar, at 11.00am on Thursday 10th June 2021, marks the public release of the findings from the 2020 Northern Ireland Life and Times (NILT) survey (  The survey recorded the views of 1,292 respondents across Northern Ireland to key social policy issues.  Coercive control is a form of domestic abuse, also known as: emotional or psychological abuse; indirect abuse; or emotional torture.  In order to address the need for evidence-based knowledge to improve public awareness and victim response to coercive control, a module of questions was included in the 2020 NILT survey.  Dr Susan Lagdon (Ulster University) and Dr Julie-Ann Jordan (Northern Health and Social Care Trust) will highlight the key findings, and discuss public understanding of coercive control within intimate relationships.  An expert panel will give their comments, followed by a general discussion.  To register, visit:

Sheds for Life

Men’s Sheds offer a unique opportunity to reach a captive audience of 'hard-to-reach' men.  However, attempts to engage Sheds in structured health promotion programmes must respect the ethos of Sheds as highly variable, autonomous and non-structured spaces.  This paper (Study protocol: evaluation of sheds for life (SFL): a community-based men’s health initiative designed ‘for shedders by shedders’ in Irish Men’s sheds using a hybrid effectiveness-implementation design) captures the key methodologies used in the Irish Sheds for Life programme.  Find out more at:

SunSmart Campaign 2021

Most people living in Ireland have fair skin - the type which burns easily and tans poorly - so are at high risk of UV damage and skin cancer.  Exposure to UV radiation during childhood is particularly harmful, so protecting skin in these early years is extremely important.  As part of the SunSmart campaign, the HSE’s National Cancer Control Programme, in collaboration with Healthy Ireland and cross-sectoral partners, are working to support people to protect their skin from the sun.  The aim of the campaign is to increase awareness of the steps everyone can take to protect their skin and reduce the risk of skin cancer in Ireland.  Find out more at:

Men’s Rites of Passage 2021

Nowadays, the question of what it means to be a man can be perplexing.  Most men have a longing for the support and guidance of other men in their journey towards masculinity, maturity, and a deeper experience with the divine.  Living a shallow unexamined life is an empty experience.  Opening the door to this journey can start with Men’s Rites of Passage (MROP) - a five-day deeply spiritual experience that builds on the classic patterns of male initiation through profound rituals and teachings.  It is the kind of experience that can help awaken men to the adventure and mystery of their own masculinity, their potential for leadership, and their life’s purpose.  Join with other men on this journey in Kiltegan, Co. Wicklow, from 18th - 22nd August 2021.  For more information, visit:  or call 087 176 3729.

NI: In Profile - Key Statistics on Northern Ireland

‘NI: In Profile’ is a resource pack of key statistics covering a range of areas of life in Northern Ireland.  The pack brings together a variety of data into a single place and will be of interest to a broad audience - including policy makers, businesses, community and voluntary sector groups, students and academics, schools and the general public.  Statistics have, primarily, been sourced from across the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency.  However, where official statistics are not available, statistics from other sources have been included.  The pack is intended to provide a high-level statistical summary of life in Northern Ireland, but it does not include detailed commentary.  If you wish to delve further into the detail of a particular statistic, you are encouraged to follow the links provided.  Download this document at: