
Men and Eating Disorders in Ireland

It is a common misconception that eating disorders only affect women.  The reality is that eating disorders affect both men and women, boys and girls.  Historically, men affected by eating disorders have been under-diagnosed, under-recognised and under-treated.  In fact, at present, there are no medical guidelines specifically for men experiencing eating disorders.  To mark International Men's Day 2021, Bodywhys shone a light into this uncharted territory in Ireland.  You can find out more at:  You might also be interested in watching 'Unspoken' - a new documentary featuring the personal stories of three men with eating disorders:

Handbook for Male Victims of Domestic Abuse in Northern Ireland

The Men's Alliance NI is a peer support group, dedicated to assisting and believing male victims and survivors of domestic abuse.  It is run by those with lived experiences of this issue, who have been there and understand the trauma facing men in this situation.  Men’s Alliance NI has produced a Handbook for Victims of Domestic Abuse, which can be downloaded from:

Sex Disparities in COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a catastrophic toll on society, health-care systems and the economy.  Notably, COVID-19 has been shown to be associated with a higher mortality rate in men than in women.  This disparity is likely to be a consequence of a failure to invest in men’s health - as it has also been established that men have a lower life expectancy and poorer outcomes from non-communicable diseases than women.  A variety of biological, social and economic factors have contributed to the sex disparities in mortality from COVID-19.  Find out more at:

Mortality Among Young People Aged 10-24 Years

Variation in adolescent mortality between countries and by sex is widening - driven by poor progress in reducing deaths in males and older adolescents.  Improving global adolescent mortality will require action to address the specific vulnerabilities of this age group, which are being overlooked.  This Lancet article argues that there is an urgent need to respond to the changing global burden of adolescent mortality, address inequities where they occur, and improve the availability and quality of primary mortality data in this age group.  Read more at:

Sláintecare Healthy Communities

In 2021, Sláintecare Healthy Ireland in the Department of Health, working with the HSE and local authorities and community agencies, launched the Sláintecare Healthy Communities Programme to provide increased health and wellbeing services in 19 community areas across Ireland.  An evidenced based process identified local areas in which health and wellbeing risk factors are particularly concentrated, and where specific initiatives will be delivered to help promote and improve the overall health and wellbeing of people in those communities.  These initiatives will be delivered through partnership working with a range of partners (HSE, local authorities and community groups) working together to provide dedicated services to build lasting improvements in health and wellbeing.  To find out more, visit:

People Grieve Differently

Losing something or someone important to you can be difficult.  You may experience grief and a wide range of emotions that come and go over time.  There is no right or wrong way to feel.  The COVID-19 pandemic has made the process of grief more difficult for many of us.  The things we would usually do to support people who are grieving may have to be done differently.  However, if you are finding it hard to cope, support is available.  Start by visiting:

Invitation to Tender: Review of Healthy Ireland Men Action Plan

Ireland was the first country in the world to adopt a National Men’s Health Policy, and other countries are now building upon the pioneering spirit and practical learning from the Irish experience.  This Policy was succeeded by the publication of a National Men’s Health Action Plan called ‘Healthy Ireland - Men, 2017-2021’ which was a significant and important step in continuing the momentum and progress that had been achieved in the area of men’s health policy in Ireland in recent years.

As this Action Plan is now coming to the end of its tenure, an independent consultant is being sought to review the progress which was made during the lifespan of this plan, as well as map out the future direction and content of a new plan.  The deadline for return of tender submissions will be 5.00pm on Friday 17th December 2021.  However, as the deadline for receiving bids is quite short, the selection panel do not expect very lengthy submissions.
Full details can be accessed at:Â