Launch of Position Paper on Traveller Men’s Health

The All-Ireland Traveller Health Study 2010 showed a high rate of ill health and suicide within the Traveller community: suicide accounts for 11% of all Traveller deaths; the suicide rate for Traveller men is 7 times higher than the national average; suicide is most common in young Traveller men aged 15-25 years; life expectancy for Traveller men is 15 years less than settled men; cancer and heart disease are the main causes of death among Traveller men ...  You are invited to the launch of a position paper on Traveller men’s health.  This will take place on Wednesday 23rd November 2016, in Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre (46 North Great Charles Street, Dublin 1), at 2.00pm.  For more information, Tel: 01 8780255 | Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.