‘Healthy Places, Healthy People’ Seminar Series

This seminar series is designed to upskill community professionals on how the physical environment shapes community health and wellbeing, and how communities can effectively inform policy making.  It has been developed to support engagement with the emerging spatial plan for Belfast City - the Local Development Plan (LDP).  The LDP process creates an opportunity for communities to inform development of their local neighbourhoods.  This programme highlights key issues relevant to healthy communities, including: creating people friendly neighbourhoods; transport; greening the city; place and mental wellbeing; and engaging all age groups.  The seminar programme can be accessed at: www.belfasthealthycities.com/sites/default/files/seminar%20programme%20-%20healthy%20places%2C%20healthy%20people.pdf   To register, Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. stating which seminar you wish to register for and if you have any access or dietary requirements.