
AfterWords - A Survey of People Bereaved by Suicide in Ireland

This survey (by the National Suicide Research Foundation and HUGG) explored - for the first time in Ireland - the experience of those in our community who have known someone who has died by suicide, including family members, friends, work colleagues and professionals.  The findings provide invaluable insight into people bereaved and affected by suicide, the impact on their lives, the support received following their loss, and the specific challenges unique to suicide bereavement.  Download the report at:

You Looking At Me?

The short film, 'You looking at me', was made to highlight the impact racism and discrimination is having on the Traveller community and their mental health.  It was written and performed by members of the Irish Traveller community, and can be found online at:  'You looking at me' is part of the 'John Boy Trilogy' which is available at:

What Does He Need?

Have you ever come across the ‘What Does He Need’ project, which explores how men and boys are shaped by and influence the world they live in?  If not, you might like to check it out at:

Movember 2022

For many people, the month of November is now synonymous with ‘Movember’ - when people across the world join forces to help to change the face of men’s health.  Find out more at: