

Did you know that Friday 29th October 2021 was World Stroke Day? …  When someone has a stroke, minutes matter - because two million brain cells die every minute after a stroke.  Know the signs of a stroke, and remember to always Act F.A.S.T. if you or someone you know is having a stroke.  Find out how at:

International Transgender Day of Remembrance Service 2021

Focus: The Identity Trust would like to invite you to attend their annual International Transgender Day of Remembrance Service. This will take place on Sunday 21st November 2021, from 3.00pm to 3.30pm, and will be held online. Everyone is welcome to attend. To register for the 'Zoom' link, email Susan at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Movember 2021

For many people, November is now synonymous with ‘Movember’ - when people across the world join forces to change the face of men’s health.  Find out more at:

Results of 2020-21 Young Life and Times Survey

The results of the 2020-21 Young Life and Times survey are now available online.  2,069 young people aged 16 years took part, and gave their opinions on mental health, coercive control, good relations, community safety, shared education, and politics.  A seminar was held in August 2021 to launch the findings, and a video of the event is now available.  Full details of the survey, including questionnaires, technical notes and data are available on the YLT website at:

The WHEN of Men’s Health

You are invited to the fourth in a series of webinars focusing upon 'Engaging Men'.  This event - exploring 'The WHEN of Men’s Health' - will take place on Friday 19th November 2021 (to coincide with International Men's Day 2021), from Noon to 1.15pm.  

At this event, you will hear from local projects about how they have used special dates / occasions to highlight men’s health needs; harnessed unforeseen opportunities which present themselves; or took action in response to emerging issues.  There will also be an emphasis on the importance of inter-agency partnership, cooperation and collaboration in order to achieve something which is greater than the constituent parts.

Register for a free place at: